Indian App World Приложения

Manzil 1.2
Indian App World
Manzil is a collection of Ayaat and short Surahs from the Quranthat are to be recited as a means of protection and antidote fromBlack Magic, Jinn, Witchcraft, Sihr, Sorcery, Evil Eye as well asother harmful things.
Duaa Ek Ibaadat 1.5
Indian App World
And your Lord says, "Call upon Me; I will respond to you." (40:60)The power of duaa is such that it could stop storms in oceans andchange the direction of winds. Similarly, it also has the abilityto alter our destinies. It is the most powerful weapon of a Mu”minto overcome the obstacles encountered in his life. Mostimportantly, it helps in establishing a direct, intimaterelationship with the Almighty God Himself and provides a platformfor putting forth our problems and miseries. Hence, it is vital forevery Muslim to supplicate everyday not only for seeking help orblessings from Allaah, but on a very elementary level, to glorifythe Lord of mankind and thank Him for the blessings He has alreadyshowered us with. Duaa Ek Ibaadat app, based on the book “Dua’a EkI’baadat”, is a massive collection of invocations extensivelycompiled from diverse sources and written using simplifiedlanguage. It is a user-friendly, FREE, convenient androidapplication in English transliteration from Urdu for readers whospeak Urdu but face difficulties in reading its script. Thisassortment of carefully reviewed duaas are derived from varioussources such as Asmaa-ul-Husnaa, Darood Shareef, Quranic Aayaats,Hadith (Masnoon duaas and Azkar) as well as Sahaabah and Saints andmade accessible on a single platform to assist in the revival ofSunnahs of the Prophet as well as the Sahaabah, understanding thesignificance of supplication, implementing the various invocationsbeen blessed upon them and make them part of daily routine. Yournumerous supplication books can now be replaced by thiscomprehensive, effortless encyclopedia of duaas with a strikinginterface to be used in all walks of life readily available on yourfingertips to help you accomplish various tasks in your dailyroutine, solve your problems, beautify your lives and get closer toAllaah. After all, why worry when you can pray! Exclusive Features• Detailed explanation on the significance of supplications • Timesmost suitable to make duaa • Why your duaas may/may not befulfilled • Etiquettes of supplicating • Asmaa-ul-Husnaa and Namesof Prophet Muhammad (SAW) • Classification of duaas into 18principal categories General Duaas (entirely in Urdu) Duaas of theAngels, Prophets and Sahaabah • Duaas specific to Islamic monthsand days • Duaas specific to weather conditions • Duaas toaccompany everyday activities • Duaas pertaining to daily Ibaadah •Travel • Diseases • Duaas to obtain worldly provisions • Duaasreinforcing responsibilities towards fellow humans • Protectionagainst various evils • Trials and tribulations • Duaas pertainingto the entire journey of life (from marriage to death) • Repentanceand receiving hidaayah. • Aakhirah • Acceptance of duaa andthanking Allaah • Color-coded, easily readable Arabic duaasaccompanied by translations as well as transliterations (all inaccordance with Tajweed rules) • Providing indexes as well as auser guide for easy navigation through the app and its toolbar,respectively, that includes various convenient options such asTasbeeh Counter, Font size adjustment, Brightness, Go to pageoption, Share, Search, Bookmarks and favorites. May Allah grant usall the opportunity to make use of this app beneficially, makethese invocations a vital part of our lives and subsequentlyresolve all our issues, develop a closer connection with theAlmighty and make our lives beautiful and prosperous. Aameen.Dhikr, Zikr, Zikir, Dhikrullah, dhikr Allah, Athkar, azkar, adkar,Doa, duaa, dua, supplication, Invocations, tasbeeh, tasbih, prayer,rabbana, rawbbana
Indian App World
Comprehensive guide for Hajj and Umrah
Momin Ka Hatyaar (Official and 1.4
Indian App World
Momin Ka Hatyaar(Officially By Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Yunus SahabPalanpuri DB)
26 Surtein 1.2
Indian App World
26 Chabbis Sutrein of the Holy Quran.
Quraan-E-Kareem 1.3
Indian App World
(55:1) The Merciful One (55:2) has taught the Qur-aan,(55:3)has created man, (55:4) and has taught him articulatespeech.The Qur-aan, a miraculous revelation of Allawh uponProphetMuhammad (Peace and Blessings be upon Him) serves asguidance forall mankind. It is mandatory for all Muslims to learnQur-aanicrecitation in Arabic along with its translation. Qur-aan-E-Kareemis an elegant, self-help android application forcolor-codedQur-aan and transliteration in English based on Tajweed,especiallyaimed at beginners. The key goal of this project is toensure thatevery person (even with minimum reading competency inEnglish) canlearn to recite the Qur-aan most efficiently,irrespective of hisor her educational status. Transliteration(aimed at non-nativespeakers) refers to adapting text from onelanguage to anotherusing the alphabet of the second language, whileattempting torepresent the characters accurately. Tajweed is thepractice ofcorrectly articulating words in the Arabic Languagewhosesignificance could not be overemphasized as it preservesthecorrect articulation of words as recited by the Prophet (PeaceandBlessings be upon Him). In this app, the Qur-aanictransliterationstyle applied is different from conventional ones inorder toimitate Arabic pronunciation as closely as possible,whileimplementing Tajweed rules. Therefore, all readers arestronglyadvised to study the transliteration and Tajweed ruleschart priorto recitation. Exclusive features of thisTransliteration 1.Color-coded offline Qur-aan and transliterationin Englishaccording to Tajweed rules (directly implementedintransliteration) 2. Each word hyphenated betweensyllables,intended for beginners in Qur-aanic recitation tofacilitatecorrect pronunciation 3. Large fonts and clearly spacedQur-aanicVerses to enhance readability (Indo-Pak style Qur-aanicfont forArabic verses) 4. Simple transliteration style summarizedinTransliteration chart (supported by audio clips) 5.SummarizedTajweed rules chart and directory of symbols usedintransliteration 6. Indexed Soorawh and Paarah/Juz names fordirectaccess; 7. Khawtmul Qur-aan Duaas for successful completionofQur-aanic recitation The Qur-aanic transliteration is notintendedto be a substitute for the original Arabic text, but atransitionalaid for beginners through the learning process. TheQur-aan must berecited in its original language – Arabic. No otherlanguage mayserve as its equivalent due to incompatible phoneticsystems andthe reward associated with reciting transliteration willnot be thesame. Let this app be the stepping stone to success inyour lifeand hereafter, elevating your position in Deen and Duniyathroughthe accomplishment of one of our duties as Muslims i.e.recitingthe Qur-aan daily. Constructive feedback is genuinelyappreciated.Always remember us in your Duaa ! Quraan,Quran,Al-quran, Al quran, kareem, karim, Majeed, Quraan, Qur-aan,Quranic, Quraanic, Qur-aanic, Grammar, Tajweed, Transliteration,Holy Quran, Koran, Surah,Soorah, Soorawh, para, paaraa, paarah,juz, color coded
Indian App World
Surely Allah has given a variety of information in Holy Quran.
Riyaz Ul Quran 7 Line 1.6
Indian App World
Surely Allah has given a variety of information in Holy Quran.Hehas interpreted these words in simple language. Urdu translationofHoly QURAN in a simple and easy language. Translator:HazratMaulana Muhammad Yunus Ibn Hazrat Maulana Umar SahabPalanpuriRahmatullahi Alaih.
Indian App World
A person without the Qur-aan is like a body without a soul
Easy Nikah 1.0
Indian App World A free Muslim Matrimony site for Indian Muslimsacrossthe world Create your profile today and start yoursearchimmediately from 1000's of profiles has profilesfromall major cities in India and also from Saudi Arabia, UAE,Kuwait,Oman, Qatar, UK, USA etc profiles comprisesofGraduates, Post Graduates, Doctors, Lawyers, Businessmen and has profiles belonging to all maslaks and madhabsForany further queries you can get in touch with or 9004981261 (WhatsApp)
Bilal School 2.8
Indian App World
Bilal School Mobile App
IQRA School 11
Indian App World
An Official Mobile Application for Students, Parents and Teachers
Quran Kareem (Maulana Salahudd 2.1
Indian App World
Quran Kareem by Hazrat Maulana Salahuddin Saifi Naqshbandi (1 Parain 8 Pages)
Task Management System
Indian App World
TMS application for managing the Task of the Staff.
100 Durood Sharif 1.0
Indian App World
100 Durood Sharif by Maulana Yunus Palampuri
Indian App World
WAQF Rules color coded 15 LN Riyazul Quran by Maulana YunusSahabPalanpuri DB
40 Darood Sharif 1.2
Indian App World
40 Darood Sharif by Maulana Salahuddin Saif Naqshbandi